Home at Last,

your training & instructions guide!

Congratulations, having a dog is a wonderful way to enrich you and your families’ lives. This dog will create beautiful memories to be treasured for years to come. The bond between dogs, children and adults can be magical. We have tried very hard to give you a once in a lifetime golden! Remember, though - your work is never done. Training your dog and your children together is a life-long project. 😄 Good luck and enjoy!

Housebreaking is the first thing you will teach your new puppy. We have trained your puppy to go potty on wood pellets, if they cant go outside and for nighttime. Keep your puppy going potty in a designated area and your training will be easier. You can also be creative with a permanent doggy poop area in your yard. Having a designated place for your dog to potty, allows you to keep your yard and home clean of feces. We have created a designated fenced pea rock area for our dogs to potty in. The puppies we raise convert to pea rock very easily. Pea rock is a desirable alternative because its small, smooth pebbles that last forever. Pea rock will not hurt your pups' feet and will normally pass through the bowels if a few pebbles are swallowed. Other gravel can be dangerous if your pup or dog decides to swallow the bigger sized gravel.

 Bring your puppy to the same potty spot every time you take them out and you will not have to find little poop packages in your lawn. Clean up can be super easy if you grab a doggy poop rake & scoop. We also have found that a touch free garbage canjust for dog clean-up is super helpful to have near your designated potty area. The puppies know how to use a doggy door to go outside so if you have a fenced yard, you will have it made. Take them out often every 15 to 20 minutes the first day so they know what door to go to. Order a potty bell, they have several new products and puppies learn fast if they ring the bell they get to go outside. Every time they wake up take them out right away, ring the bell. Here are youtube videos how to doorbell train. DOORBELL TRAINING

Sometimes its urgent so it is better to just pick them up to take them out. Tell them go potty, praise him when he does. Be consistent and patient. In general, puppies are unable to control their bladders and bowels until 12 weeks (about 3 months) of age. If your puppy is younger than that, extra patience and praise is required.

Set a schedule for your puppy when you begin housebreaking. Try to get up at the same time each morning, taking your puppy outside right away, if they are napping watch when they wake up and out the door for potty you go. Do not let them walk on their own when you take them out of their bed, as soon as they wake up, they will drop and pee wherever they are. Feed your puppy at the same times each day and take him outside immediately after eating be patient and wait for those poop packages. Watch your puppy for signs such as sniffing, circling, pacing or whining signs usually mean it is time to go. If you see these signs, take him outside immediately and say outside outside good boy/girl. If you catch him in the middle of an accident, say “no” firmly and take him outside to finish, praising him if he does. Never punish him by hitting or pushing his nose in the mess! This will only teach him to fear you. If you find an accident in the house, but do not catch him in the act – do not punish him. He will not associate the punishment with the action and will only become confused. Clean up messes with vinegar water or buy Bio- Base Biodeodorizer Spray so he or she cannot smell the accident.

Pick a word for the action that the whole family can use such as “outside” or “do your business” or “go potty. Use this phrase consistently so he will learn it as a command. Always bring your puppy to the same area outside while housebreaking. The odors in this area will encourage him to urinate and defecate here again. If he does his business, make a big deal out of it, praise good boy! What a good boy! TREAT as soon as the mission is accomplished.

When you are away from home, your puppy should stay in a crate without a collar. Collars are a choke hazard for puppies and adult dogs. Dogs playing can get their jaw caught on another dog’s collar, twist and turn trying to get free, and choke the other dog to death. This is a true story that happened to a past customer of ours. Please do not leave them unattended with a collar on.

Buy a large crate for your puppy, hang toys from the top wires and cover the top with a blanket or towel. Have a ton of stuffed animals and bedding for him. This will help him feel at home. Instinctively, your puppy will not want to soil his own area. Be careful not to let your puppy stay in the cage for more than a few hours at 1st, or he may have no choice but to relieve himself. If you are away from the house regularly, as many of us are for work, return home in the middle of each day to let your puppy outside. Arrange for someone else to let your puppy out if you will be unable to come home. The kennel we prefer is a Large black wire kennel no need to put the divider in your puppy will do better without it. Remember to hang toys from the top wires so they feel at home. If you choose not to crate your dog when you are away from the house, set him up in a room with a non-absorbent floor. Place the pellet pool or box at one end of the room and his bed and toys at the other. Make sure you puppy proof the room. Puppies are chewers and will chew on cords, boards, and anything else that they can reach. Do not forget toys, food, and spill proof water dish. Spray any messes with vinegar water mix or buy Lifes Abundance bio-cleaner. If you want to use puppy potty pads in a pinch, make sure you pick them up. Unfortunately, puppies at this age have a party tearing them to pieces.

Remember these rules:

Praise him when he behaves. Keep a solid routine. Dogs can tell time!

Never punish him physically when caught in an accident.

Do not correct him unless you catch him in the act.

Housebreaking may take several months, so do not give up. Remember that your puppy wants to please you, he just needs to learn how. They have a solid start and most train easier if the owner is always watching and taking him out... Be clear with him when you praise or correct his actions. Eventually, you will see results. Some are trained in short order, so it pays to stay on top of the job.

Make Time for Your Dog

Bonding is not something you can do once and assume it's finished. The bond with your dog is built during the first few weeks to months of ownership, but maintaining the bond is a lifelong process. Remember that while you are at work, out with friends, or running errands, your dog is usually just waiting for you to come home.

Provide Proper Identification

We do not allow puppies to wear collars unless we are training or with them. They can get caught on anything and choke to death.

 We provide the microchip; it is added to your go home bag. If you are flying your pup home, we will mail your microchip to you directly. The airlines won’t allow us to carry it on for obvious reasons. Microchips are an added layer of protection. Proper identification can help you become reunited with your dog if lost. This is an AKC microchip and please ask your vet to insert it at his 3rd vet visit. I do not feel comfortable inserting because the needle is huge, and I don’t want them to associate me with the pain at such a young age please wait a few more weeks please.

Keep Your Dog Healthy

Because of their survival instinct, dogs are not as likely to show pain or illness as humans. Regular visits to your veterinarian, healthy diet and exercise are all important aspects to help your dog stay strong and content.

Train Your Dog

Proper training not only benefits you and your dog; it also benefits others. A well-behaved dog is less likely to upset people and pets in public places and will be more welcome at gatherings. Whatever age you get the puppy, that is the age to begin training.

There are two types of training: behavioral, and obedience.

Behavioral training corrects unpleasant habits that your puppy or dog may have developed. Jumping, car chasing, begging, climbing on furniture, and chewing are just a few. It is particularly important to be consistent during the training process. For example, do not let your puppy on the couch unless you are planning to always let him. This will confuse him, causing problems. Don’t use a stern voice when calling come, he will know your upset and learn not to come.

Obedience training sessions should be frequent but short to prevent your pup from becoming bored: When your pup arrives home up to 12 weeks training sessions are short just 5 minutes a few times a day can make your pup very sharp… then around 12 weeks old ten-to-fifteen-minute sessions, a few times a day will be sufficient. It is best to train your dog right before meals, so it associates his meal with a reward for the training. Here are three quick track training session from my favorite gun dog trainer, Bill Hillman. This brings out a confident willing pup, they love to train because it’s a game.

  1. The Chase

  2. Learn to walk on a leash

  3. Learn to sit

Each day, during the training lesson these are the three basic steps to a fun happy dog.

Chasing something is what creates excitement. Start with a little squeaky toy for attention - develop great excitement, act silly and get the puppy to go out of his skin, try to get him to start to retrieve. It doesn't matter if he brings it back ... just get him to chase the toy. Next, put a small collar around his neck. Just a little puppy collar. and attach a very light 6' line to it and let him drag it around for a while. Then take hold of the line and get him to walk with you. Don’t pull him- ask him, make it exciting, so he wants to go with you. Use his favorite toy to teach him to come with. Don't worry about getting him to heel, that will come much later. What is important is that he begins to learn that where you go - he is going to go. After walking on the line for a while stop and kneel down next to the puppy and start the process of teaching him to sit ... For sit command, lift under his chin, look at his eyes and say sit. Never push his butt down, it is extremely hard on their hips. Lift up on his face looking in his eyes say sit, squeeze gently with your hand lifting up at the same time say sit. After you try this a few times get up and walk some more ... then stop and work on sit again ... then grab your toy and get silly again and try to get him to go into orbit with excitement. These steps work for all commands and its fun. Just remember as he ages and can tolerate more time training, sit means sit, if he moves put him back in the same spot every time and say sit every time, this command is teaching sit means stay too.

Repeat this routine every day. Try to keep a balance between excitement and learning the sit command. Be consistent and in no time you'll have a puppy that is started and is ready to begin new commands with the right attitude to learn more.

Before giving a word command to your dog, say his/her name to get its attention; then speak a one-word command such as "sit," "come" or "heel." Do not get impatient. You will have to repeat the command many times. Work on one command at a time until he knows it well. There are tons of free YouTube videos on training babies and adult dogs. just watch and do…Never use negative reinforcement. Do not call your dog to come to you for punishment because this will train your dog not to come on command. Be sure to keep any frustration out of the tone of your voice. If you feel yourself becoming frustrated, take a break. Your dog can sense this and will start to associate training with your unhappiness. You cannot hide your frustration from a dog. You cannot pretend. Dogs can feel human emotion, so stay relaxed, confident and have fun.

Some of the specific commands are "sit," "stay," "come," "down" and "heel." When speaking the commands, clearly, repeating them often. The dog may have to hear the commands over and over but will soon begin to associate the word with its meaning. Always remember to praise your dog when it responds correctly. My favorite praise is good good good boy all right good job buddy! I clap and through my arms in the air like he just won a trophy. This will encourage your dog to correctly perform the next time. You may either use food or a verbal praise as the reward or both. I use whatever that specific dog likes best.

Obedience training is essential! Make sure someone in the home can spend a lot of time training the new dog, especially a puppy. If a child wishes to participate in training, it should be done under the supervision of an adult. In addition, the children in the household will need to be taught how to conduct themselves around dogs. Use the same command words so the pup can communicate with everyone in the home.

Success is usually attained in small steps. This is especially true for puppies because of their noticeably short attention spans. Longer sessions can cause even an adult dog to become bored. Start by teaching basic commands. Next, you can train your dog to lie down. In addition, your dog should be trained to come when called as soon as possible. This is one of the most important fundamental commands. Make come exciting say come this way run, come on this way, good boy, keep moving away until he follows saying come come come... good boy! All right and come this way then treat and praise. Always moving away clapping hands making it so much fun he wants to follow and come is his favorite word. Excitement is the key…Always get him to chase you it's important game that will help him understand that you are the leader. Treat him too to keep interest or use a big stuffed animal tied to a rope, then drag it and watch him come. Once your dog has mastered these basics, you can move on to fun tricks and advanced commands.

A proper dog obedience and training program is the cornerstone of good behavior in dogs. It has often been said that there are no bad dogs, only uneducated owners. Most dogs want to please their owners, but untrained dogs simply do not know how. Well-trained dogs are happier and healthier - and so are their owners!

This may seem like common sense to some

Keep your dog on a leash or in a fenced-in yard when outdoors. Even if you live where it is legal to allow your dog off-leash, you should always supervise him. Do not let him wander the neighborhood or get out of your sight. He will be stolen or run over. Unfortunately, I must share to remind new customers to always have control over your new friend. We have had several accidents from past customers that have lost their family member because their dog was run over and that is so devastating to all family members. Even the best trained dogs make mistakes, they are like 2 years old children that see fun across the road and just had to go see.

Order dog food link below

Exciting because it’s time to order your puppy’s food so it arrives in time for your new baby! It’s important to order from my link because I receive an email from the company when you order. This is how we keep track of the litter group for your 30 month puppy guarantee. You can always order your food from our website; Muddygoldens.com, it will take you to the dog food site. Muddygoldens.com puppy food page

Lifes Abundance has wonderful products and not just healthy food for your dog’s healthy people products too. Order the ALL-LIFE STAGE dog food, it’s in the green bag as pictured when you click the links. It’s very important that you get the same food that we are feeding so your puppy doesn't get the poops. If you have questions, please feel free to ask. You will create an account that you can continue to order from for future orders. Save your log in information. It’s a good idea to take advantage of the auto ship program so you don’t ever run out of food. You cannot buy this food in a store. It doesn’t have the cancer-causing preservatives that store bought dog food has in it. Its delivered by UPS to your door. Auto ship saves you almost all the shipping costs. A 40-pound bag will last almost 8 weeks so auto ship every 7 weeks. You can auto ship 20 pounds every 4 weeks or 40 pounds every 7 weeks. Here is a great tip. If you want to save on shipping, order 2 - 40-pound bags every 4 months. It’s the same shipping cost as 1 bag. Its super important to keep the food in a cool dry place. Temperature controlled area not in a hot garage, reminder, it doesn't have all the preservatives as store bought foods.

Please order dog food from the link.

All-Life Stage order 40 pounds remember to click the pound drop down box for the correct size.

Also please look at the puppy packs you get safe products, safe treats, it has wonderful ear cleaner, safe shampoo plus more. If you order the pack, please order the large all stage food with 20 pounds. Not the 8-pound bag or you will run out of food. Click the drop-down box to select the large pack. Quick link below

All Stage Healthy Start LARGE 20-pound bag remember to click the pound drop down box for the correct size

I hope I explained this well but if you have questions, I will be happy to walk you through the process. Feel free to call me or text me anytime. 😀

All the puppies will have their wellness examinations just a few days before they go home.

Each individual puppy will have a pre-purchase vet form, shot records and worming dates, this form will be in your go home folders. Vet schedule recommendations are at the bottom of this form. Its beneficial to make all your appointments that are listed at once so your puppy gets timely vaccinations. We also recommend not giving any other shots or kennel cough vaccinations until they are done with this 5- way combination. We highly recommend not giving any pill form of flea & tick heartguard combination meds as most cause major health issues. Vet’s recommendations are not always safe, or they don't always tell you all the side effects of medications. Leading brand names such as Trifexis, Comforis, Simparica trio, Nexgard, bravecto just to name a few are toxic and all have track records of causing major issues such as vomiting, depression/ lethargic, ineffective for fleas, anorexia, pruritis, diarrhea, convulsions/ seizures, trembling, Ataxia, food refused, hypersalivation, interactions with over drugs, summary vomiting, shaking, skin issues, confusion, death, pain, skin inflammation, dehydration, rashes, anemia, bloody diarrhea, staggering and collapse.

I warn our customers about products because we don't want you to have any issues with the health of your new family member. We like to use plain ivermectin liquid for our heartguard prevention. You can ask your veterinarian about the plain liquid form or Heartguard plus is an ivermectin/pyrantel product that has been around for years and considered safer than most flea & tick heartguard combination medications.

We also only use Frontline plus topical only if our dogs catch a rabbit or we have an early spring or late fall tick issues. Frontline has been around for years and considered safer. I question any flea & tick products because I believe with repetitive use it causes cancer along with the combination drugs above. This year we haven't used any flea or tick toxic products. Please do not use flea and tick products on puppies younger than 6 months of age!

We have used and tested 4 legger Evict products on several of our dogs and liked the results! We like all natural products at https://www.4-legger.com/collections/fleas-other-pesky-pests. They use nontoxic essential oils that are safer to use.

Please don't let your vet give your pup any other heartguard or worming’s. The puppies have had interceptor plus heartguard multiple wormer that is good for 30 days. We have had issues in the past with vets double dosing the puppies and one had to be hospitalized with IVs from being overdosed.


Buy No Spill dog feeder/water dish

When your pup arrives home number 1 important issue, please only feed them the dog food you are ordering. Use it for treats too. No treats or other foods for at least a week after your puppy has settled in. Introduce treats very slowly. Please do not buy dog treats in stores, they are full of chemicals, and it definitely defeats the purpose of feeding them quality food from life's abundance that keeps all the harmful additives out of their products.

My favorite treats are chicken breasts baked in the oven or grilled, I cut it up into small nickel size cubes and freeze in zip lock bags. A few chicken breasts go along way for treats. The same goes for liver bits or any meat variety. Boiled eggs make a great treat along with small bits of veggies. I just stress keep them on whole food treats and your dog will live longer. Of course, remember to introduce new foods slowly small bits and only a few a day.

Puppies get stressed out just going home and any new foods will give them the poops. You will offer food 3x a day for a total of 3 cups daily to start. Measure out a cup at a time so you know how much he or she is actually eating at each meal. I want you to let them eat all they want 3x a day, morning, noon and evening before 6pm. When he walks away from his dish put it up and offer it at the next feeding. Add a shot of warm water to the morning & 6pm rations and dry kibbles at noon. This will make potty training easier for you. They will learn to eat more at each feeding. You may have to offer it more if they are not eating at least 1/4 cup each feeding. Some won't miss a beat, but some won't eat good at all because they are stressed. Once your pup grows enough to eat 1 1/2 cups at his or her morning feeding you can begin to feed 1 1/2 cups morning and 1 1/2 cups in the evening. A snack is always nice if they are going through a huge growth spurt.

If you have city water, please buy a few jugs of spring water. They are used to well water. I just want you to mix it with your city water for 7 to 10 days, so they don't get the poops from the chemicals.

Puppies should be held by a family member on their ride home not stressed out in a kennel for their ride home. They are babies and the less stress for them the less problems you will have with stress and 💩

Word of caution ⚠️

Lastly, I am sorry for blowing up your thought process!

Please bring paper towels in case your pup gets car sick. Bring bottled water and a dish if you have a long trip home. Most of you don't live too far away so no need for potty break on your way home. FYI, your puppy is losing all his immunity that his mother gave him/her and he/she is just starting to create his own. So please don't stop at rest stops, gas stations or puppy parks. Your puppy is at risk for deadly dog diseases until 3 weeks after his last set of shots are on-board. He/she can get parvo super easy from multiple sources but specifically other dogs’ poop or grounds that have had dog poop or coyote fecal matter. It lives for years so use caution and keep them safe until they are totally vaccinated. We suggest if you need to stop, church parking lots or out in the county on a side road work well.

Our Favorite safe toys are made by West Paw, they are tough, and last for years. Very safe but always watch your dog with any toys, goldens are tough chewers, they swallow things fast that can cause expensive trips to the vet. We had one golden that had 3 bowel resections. Thats one of the main reasons we stick with west paw toys!

We thank you and really want you to have a wonderful experience so please feel free to call or text anytime if you have questions. We appreciate your trust, and we will always be here to support you.

Thank you, so much and good luck, with your new best friend!